Psychology Information
Further Psychology Information
Important books to learn more about Psychological Warfare
Don’t fight forces; use them.
~Buckminster Fuller
Here in the psychology information section, we strive to let you know about all the great books and audio courses that can help you further your studies in the world of the mind. These aren’t your dry textbooks you had to read in your undergrad psych course. These books take the principles of psychology and put them into action.
Don’t you think it’s weird that we know so much about how people think and react, yet somehow it’s wrong to take this information and use it to our advantage?
Whether you seek self-improvement information or more ways to excel in business and leadership, this is your go to place for all great ideas.
Come back often as we will be updating this page as we learn about more psychology information you will definitely be interested in.
Take control of your mind
Thick Black Theory
If you are a machiavellian enthusiast, this book puts everything you need to know in one place. After reading this, you’ll be able to see, first-hand, all of the tactics people use on you on a daily basis. AND you’ll be able to fight back with a little psywar of your own.
Procrastination Pro by Charlie Ritchie
Nothing you learn here is any good if you don’t train yourself to have the willpower to put your ideas into motion. This book absolutely murders your tendency to procrastinate.
Take control of your emotions
The Anxiety Lie by Rich Presta
The no holds barred truth about overcoming your anxiety! This book features the exact processes needed to banish anxiety from your life forever. If you suffer from anxiety, this book will definitely change your life… and your future.
Conquering Stress by Chris Green
Is the stress in your life making you miserable? Do you snap at the people you love or simply avoid them altogether because it’s just another burden? This is some psychology information you really need! Learn some really amazing stress reduction techniques that will regain your self-confidence, make you energetic and happy, and will make you sleep like a baby without a care in the world.
Take control of others
Disguised Hypnosis by Dr. Jonathan Conrad Groves
This is the book you’ve been waiting for. It has boatloads of information on how to subtly control the people around you with covert hypnosis. The best part is: they’ll have no idea that you are influencing them at all!
Win Arguments by James Avery
Become a “verbal assassin” with this amazing eBook and audio course. Have you ever felt that you would do so much better in life if you knew exactly what to say in an argument? Learn how to defend youself and you’ll find that a better life is right around the corner.
Master Mentalism by Mr. X
Magic is cool! And mentalism makes you seem like you have super powers. What if people thought you had super powers? Do you think you could impress the people at the office if you knew how to levitate? Do you think you could entertain a date with something mindblowing (besides you of course)? This book is not only amazing on how easy it lays out all the steps, it’s fun to know magic. Give it a try.
Take control of your financial future
eBook Secrets Exposed by Jim Edwards & David Garfinkel
Do you have something to say? Are you a hobbyist who knows a lot about a certain subject? Do you have information that people would pay for? Write an eBook and make a great passive income forever. Maybe you’ve written a book and can’t get it published. Publish it yourself and make way more money off of it!
Take control of your relationships
The Art of Irresistible by Roberto Hogue
Are you plagued with a string of lackluster or even bad relationships? This book uses the “whole-life approach” for women to teach you how to make a bunch of small, easy to follow steps to refashion your life into something that is very attractive to quality men who have their lives together and some emotional intelligence.